Monday, November 8, 2010

Minimum Skills Test Part 1: The Results

After the fantastic We Survived Derby Boot Camp Part 1 party this weekend, it was time to get my head back in the game and think about what needed to improve on my minium skills.

We got our score cards back last night, and I did better on a lot of things than I though, but I was surprised about a few.  I only got a 2 (out of 4, with 3 being "proficient") on side stepping, which was silly on my part because I didn't know to keep my eyes forward instead of down.  I also wasn't careful enough to avoid using my hands on my knees getting up from 180 knee turns, which is careless on my part as well.

I need an average of 3 to pass, and am at 2.8 right now.  If I improve 3 points, I'm good.  That means shaving 13 seconds off my time (which I feel good about if I get pusher wheels in time), and improve 2 other things by at least a point (side stepping and 180 turns should be easy-peasy--and possibly T-Stops since I've been forcing myself to use these to stop exclusively), I'll be golden.  Fingers crossed--I've got 3 weeks to get it right.

On a brighter note, I've got some derby coloring to do, which I'm excited for--although I'm making myself wait until I'm done grading papers to reward myself.  If you wanna get in on the fun, and possibly win some Wicked derby gear, you can download your coloring sheet too!

Also, nationals this weekend were pretty rad.  I only REALLY closely watched the final two matches, but I had all of the bouts on whenever I was home.  The final game was a nail-biting, edge of your seat, rock your socks off game.  SOOOO good.

1 comment:

  1. I found out, when researching the other day, that nationals were a 20 minute bus ride from where I live and had ended all of an hour earlier in the day. Such is life.
